New Developments


12th April 2022

Below is a link to the Quinquennial Inspection of the Sunderland Point Mission Church which was carried out for Blackburn Diocese on 25th July 2017

Quinquennial Inspection of the Sunderland Point Mission Church

Mission Church Trust Submit Planning Application

27th March 2022

On 22nd March 2022 a planning notice was posted outside the Mission Church indicating that the Trust had submitted a planning request for the development of the church.

The following are the related documents from Lancaster City Council Planning website's View Planning Applications section. (The application reference is 21/01588/LB)

Depending on your operating system, you may be asked if you wish to downlaod the document or it just might do this automatically and display it.

  1. Planning Application Form
  2. Bio disc tank details Kingspan
  3. Location plan Rev A Site Location
  4. Proposed site plan 03 Rev A
  5. Existing ground floor site plan
  6. Existing elevations and sections
  7. Proposed ground floor plan
  8. Section W-E
  9. Section E-W
  10. Section N-S
  11. Design, access and heritage statement
  12. Parish council response
  13. Consultee response - Lancaster Civic Society

Lancashire Life Article

28th March 2022

The latest edition of the magazine Lancashire Life(April 2022) leads with an article about Steph Smith, our Secretary, and her work as an Ambassador with Curlew Action.

The project involves 3 Lancashire Primary Schools. These schools will celebrate World Curlew Day on the 21st April by congregating at our first Curlew Summit! Children will share their work and findings about the curlew and decide upon the next steps for its conservation.

Well done Steph!

It is encouraging that the prominence of the article reflects the editor's realisation of the importance of these issues in the rural environment.

SPCS Website Launch

30th October 2021

The SPCS website is launched to help promote the interests of the residents and the environment of Sunderland Point.